As U wil en ek leef

Brand met Trots!
Burn with Pride!

Trots - Respect - Verantwoordelikheid - Integrity - Ubuntu





Visie & Missie

Hoรซrskool Bergvlam, te West Acres Nelspruit, is โ€˜n multi-kulturele opvoedkundige inrigting met โ€˜n eg Suid-Afrikaanse karakter wat Christelike norme en hoรซ standaarde, op alle terreine, binne โ€™n veilige en behoudende omgewing handhaaf.
Ons missie is om leerders, in hul totaliteit, volgens โ€˜n bepaalde waardesisteem maksimaal te ontwikkel tot verantwoordelike individue.

Vision & Mission

Hoรซrskool Bergvlam, in West Acres Nelspruit, is a multi-cultural educational institution with a truly South African character, striving to maintain Christian norms and high standards in all areas, within a safe environment.
Our mission is to maximise the development of learners in their entirety into responsible individuals according to a specific system of values.