As U wil en ek leef
Brand met Trots!
Burn with Pride!
Trots - Respect - Verantwoordelikheid - Integrity - Ubuntu
Visie & Missie
Hoรซrskool Bergvlam, te West Acres Nelspruit, is โn multi-kulturele opvoedkundige inrigting met โn eg Suid-Afrikaanse karakter wat Christelike norme en hoรซ standaarde, op alle terreine, binne โn veilige en behoudende omgewing handhaaf.
Ons missie is om leerders, in hul totaliteit, volgens โn bepaalde waardesisteem maksimaal te ontwikkel tot verantwoordelike individue.
Vision & Mission
Hoรซrskool Bergvlam, in West Acres Nelspruit, is a multi-cultural educational institution with a truly South African character, striving to maintain Christian norms and high standards in all areas, within a safe environment.
Our mission is to maximise the development of learners in their entirety into responsible individuals according to a specific system of values.
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