25 October 2017
Dear Parents
We would like to bring the following important matters to your attention:
- MYSCHOOL celebrates its 20th birthday this month. As part of their celebrations, parents have a special opportunity to become involved.
- For every 20 new applications for a Myschool card, the school will receive R20,00. Remember: every time you swipe your Myschool card, the school benefits.
- At the moment the school only receives about R600,00 per month. It can become a lot more should all our parents, with Myschool cards, swipe their cards. Every extra bit the school receives, assists with our expenditures.
- You can have up to three schools listed on your card as beneficiaries.
- You can register for your card on line at myschool.co.za until Friday, 27 October 2017.
- The school can also do the registration for you. Your child must just go to Mrs Mandy Barnard’s office during registration periods on Thursday and Friday with your information. She will do it online.
- While doing revision in class, the educators once again realised that some learners have no idea how to study effectively.
- The school could, as a last resort to assist learners before the exams start, manage to make an arrangement with the ProActive Education Group in order to present a study course. This course will focus on the Grade 8 and Grade 9 learners. Learners in Grade 10 and Grade 11, who can fit the course in, are also welcome to attend. Mrs Ane Bekker will present the course.
- The cost will be R125,00 per learner and includes study material.
- Dates: Thursday, 02 November 2017 – Afrikaans speaking learner
- Friday, 03 November 2017 – English speaking learners
- Allocated time: 14:00 – 17:00
- Please find attached the letter with all the necessary information. The reply slip must please be handed in and the money paid in by Monday, 30 October.
- Grade 8 – 11 learners have formal lessons up to Monday, 30 October.
- On Tuesday, 31 October ALL learners have to be at school for examination training. Learners have to sign that they have received the training. They will also receive their examination information booklets.
- At 09:30 the learners will walk to the Dutch Reformed Church in Koraalboom Avenue for the school’s valedictory service. There will be strict supervision by educators on the way to the church and back to school.
- Learners will be back at school by 11:30. They can then go home.
- Learners, who will not be attending the church service because of religious reasons, must hand in a letter from their parents on Monday, 30 October at reception.
Best wishes for the upcoming examination!
Annemarie Kleynhans