22 July 2016
Dear Parents
After a 3 week holiday, all activities at school are in full swing! We want to believe that you, as a family, enjoyed the time thoroughly as well.
Please take note of the following important matters:
- Mrs. Melaine Pienaar has been appointed by the Department as substitute educator in Mrs. Yolandie O’Reilly’s place, who is on maternity leave.
- Miss Chereze Fourie got married during the holidays, and is from now on called Mrs. Blom.
- We believe that every matriculant’s matric farewell is an unforgettable event. Good luck to our matric parents who have to see to it that all arrangements are in place for this wonderful evening!
- Thank you very much to every parent who saw to it that his / her matric child attended school this week. It is a pity that precious academic time had to be sacrificed for hair and nail appointments that were made during school hours.
- We would like to remind all matric parents that the learners only have one week to get their appearance up to standard regarding hair and nails. Please avoid unnecessary conflict with the school because your child’s appearance is not according to the school rules.
- Parents must please make sure that they know to which after party their children will be going, and where it will be held. Take your child to the after party personally and fetch your child yourself again. Do not make it somebody else’s responsibility to look after your child.
- The fact that many learners stay at home for no specific reason, is a matter of grave concern. Please do not allow your child to manipulate you. It is of the utmost importance that your child is in class in order to make academic progress.
- Parents of Grade 12 learners will have to be very strict regarding unnecessary absenteeism. Your child needs to be at school, in class, and nowhere else!
- Please do not sign your child out during school hours if it is not crucial. Grade 12 learners will only be allowed to be signed out with the principal’s permission.
- Every learner received a diary with the school rules inside. Please assure yourself beforehand what the rules allow and what not, before you allow your child to cut his / her hair in an unsuitable style. It is totally unnecessary to constantly be in conflict situations because of appearance.
- Parents must also see to it that their sons did shave before coming to school in the mornings. It is unacceptable that the school constantly has to buy razors in order for these boys to shave before going to class.
- Thank you very much to those parents who pay their school fees diligently. Parents do not always realise what astronomic amounts of money the school has to pay for maintenance and what the running costs are in order to manage the school properly. Every rand being paid in, assists the school with coping with these responsibilities.
- Should you currently encounter financial problems, please come and discuss your challenge with the payment of school fess without fail. You are placing yourself under unnecessary stress, should you avoid the challenge.
- There are also workbook and consumer fees still outstanding. Please make a plan in order to finalise these payments by the end of this month, the cutoff date was already at the end of the first quarter.
- As was the custom in the past, the grade tutors will once again make personal appointments with parents of under achievers.
- All parents must please make use of the school’s general parents evening on Monday, 01 August from 17:00 to 19:00 in the school hall. You will be able to see all subject teachers of your child in order to discuss all your concerns with them. Bring your child with, there is no sense in seeing a teacher without your child being present.
- Final progress reports will be e-mailed to you next week. Should your e-mail address have changed, please inform the school immediately by sending an e-mail to ontvangs@bergvlam.co.za .
- FEDSAS, the Institute for School Governance, will be presenting an empowerment session for free for all parents on Thursday, 04 August at 18:00 at Laerskool Laeveld. The theme of this empowerment session is: Understand your child and your child’s needs.
- Dr. Johan Smith will be presenting this value driven schools’ project.
- Make use of this excellent opportunity to just try and understand your child a little better.
- We will be focusing on boys and girls cricket, tennis, chess, cross country, shooting, 7’s rugby and 7’s hockey this quarter.
- We wish our coaches and players everything of the best with the tough competition lying ahead.
- On the cultural side our learners will be involved in the annual Eistedfodd from next week onwards. We believe that they will once again excel, as they have done in the past.
- Rehearsals for next year’s musical will also start soon. Parents will be fully informed regarding fixed practice times.
- Choir practices will resume from August onwards. Our new choir conductor will only be available as from the beginning of August.
- Should you not have registered for the D6 Communicator, please do so without fail in order for you to be informed of what is happening at school on a daily basis. The school puts Important information directly onto Communicator.
- Should you not have a Makro of My School card, you can apply for one on line. By doing so, you will assist the school in receiving an extra bit of money, only by swiping your card.
- From January to the end of May 2016 3 176 My School cards have been swiped, and the school earned R4 611,00 because of that. It is not about the amount of money you are spending, but the swiping of your card.
- Attached please find the details, should your child be interested in becoming a volunteer helper at next Saturday’s Colour Run.
- Shortened version of this quarter’s programme.
- Mini-exam timetable and Grade 12 Trial exam timetable will be available next week.
Bergvlam greetings