02 February 2018
Dear Parents
Hoȅrskool Bergvlam would like to bring the following important matters to your attention:
- As Mrs Angelique Killian and her husband are immigrating to Nieu-Zealand, she had to resign.
- The school was fortunate enough to immediately appoint Mrs Tanya Moolman in her position. We welcome the Moolman family to Mbombela, but especially to the Bergvlam family.
- Mrs Yone du Plessis’s circumstances caused her to resign. At this stage the other educators take care of her Grade 8 and Grade 9 English Home Language classes. Language educators are very scarce. Should you be aware of an available English Home Language educator, please contact the principal without fail by sending an e-mail to hoof@bergvlam.co.za.
Unfortunately the timetable had to change twice because of the following reasons:
- The sudden resignation of Mrs Yone du Plessis caused Mrs Blom to take over her 2 Grade 12 English Home Language groups. In order to fit the groups into Mrs Blom’s timetable, the timetable had to change.
- The subject Engineering Graphics and Design grew unexpectedly, because of new learners entering the system. An extra group had to be created, which also caused a change in the timetable.
- Should you experience serious financial difficulties, and will have to apply for partial or full exemption of school fees, you will have to do so without fail.
- The closing date for applications is 30 April 2018. This year we will have to keep strictly to the SGB’s financial policy, therefore we cannot accept any late applications. The sooner you apply, the sooner you will have peace of mind.
- Thank you very much to the 2 moms who have responded immediately, and who are already providing lunch boxes to our needy learners.
- We are still short of THREE MOTHERS who will be prepared to assist. Should we have 5 moms, you will have to provide lunch boxes only ONCE A WEEK.
- Please contact Mrs Jolanda Nel as soon as possible by contacting the school, or sending an e-mail to jolanda@bergvlam.co.za.
- You will recall the very successful water contribution the school made some years ago for the Beaufort West water project.
- The Bergvlam learners requested that we do something similar for Cape Town’s desperate water situation.
- The school realises that the launching of such a project for Cape Town entails a lot more. The principal is currently making contact with 2 Cape Town schools in order to find out what their need is. By doing so we can at least bring some relief to at least 2 schools.
- We do have a transport company that will be able to transport the water to Cape Town for us.
- You are welcome to send 5 litre, or more, bottled, sealed water to school in the meantime. It will be much appreciated.
- The school will keep you informed regarding the arrangements.
- The Inter High Athletics tickets are already available at the Finance office during school hours at R50,00 for adults as well as children. Parking tickets are available at R20,00 each. Please come and buy your tickets within the next 2 weeks, as we will have to return the extra tickets by then to Hoȅrskool Rob Ferreira.
Sincere Bergvlam greetings