19/03/2021 Grade 8 Parent/Guardian, GRADE 8 “SPARKNET” As the grade 8 staff members of 2021, we are very excited about the “SPARKNET” production, which will be recorded this year. The Sparkis are very busy with their preparation for this production. For the theme of this year to shine, we unfortunately have to record during the […]

19 Maart 2021 – Die volgende inligting is vir u aandag

19 Maart 2021 Geagte Ouers Ek hoop dit gaan goed met die Vlammie Familie. Die volgende inligting is vir u aandag. Personeel Baie geluk aan Mnr Krüger wat aangestel is as waarnemende hoof by Lowveld High School. Ons beste wense vergesel hom. Graag verwelkom ons vir Mej. Christelize Elbrecht op ons personeel wat die Siviele […]

19 March 2021 – The following information for your perusal

19 March 2021 Dear Parents I trust that all is well with the Vlammie Family. The following information for your perusal. Staff Congratulations to Mr J. Krüger who has been appointed as acting principal at Lowveld High School. Our best wishes accompany him. Hoërskool Bergvlam welcomes Ms Christelize Elbrecht who will be in charge of […]


25/02/2021 Dear Parents QUARTER 1 CIRCULAR 2 Please take note of the following important matters: 1. GR 12 2020 RESULTS Congratulations to the class of 2020 with your excellent results and to the teachers for your hard work. With our 98.3% pass rate we are once again one of the top schools in Mpumalanga. Out […]


25/02/2021 Liewe Ouers KWARTAAL 1 OMSENDBRIEF 2 Neem asseblief kennis van die volgende belangrike sake. 1. 2020 GRAAD 12 UITSLAE Baie geluk aan die klas van 2020 met u uitstekende uitslae en aan die onderwysers vir u harde werk. Met ons slaagsyfer van 98,3% is ons weer een van die topskole in Mpumalanga. Van die […]


23 February 2021 Dear Parents RE: SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY ELECTIONS: INFORMATION, REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS You should be aware of the fact that the current School Governing Body term of office expires in March of this year. The election of newly elected School Governing Body members will therefore take place in March as well. The new […]


23 Februarie 2021 Beste Ouers RE: BEHEERLIGGAAM-VERKIESING: INLIGTING, REGULASIES EN VEREISTES Die huidige Beheerliggaam se termyn sal eersdaags verstryk. Die verkiesing van nuut verkose Beheerliggame vind in Maart 2021 plaas. Hierdie verkose lede dien dan ʼn drie jaar termyn uit. 1. SAMESTELLING VAN BEHEERLIGGAAM Hoërskool Bergvlam kwalifiseer vir die volgende samestelling:  Ouerkomponent: nege lede […]


25/02/2021 Grade 8 Parent/Guardian, GRADE 8 “SPARKI SPIRIT DAY” Please take note of the following activity that the Grade 8 learners will participate in: Your son/daughter is hereby informed of the grade 8 team building which will take place on Saturday, 6 March 2021. The team building will take place on the sports field. Take […]


25/02/2021 Graad 8 Ouers/Voogde GRAAD 8 “SPARKI SPIRIT DAY” Neem asseblief kennis van die volgende aktiwiteite waar graad 8 leerders betrokke is: U seun/dogter word hiermee in kennis gestel van die graad 8 spanbou wat op Saterdag, 6 Maart 2021 op die rugbyveld gaan plaasvind. Net die volgende reëlings: • Leerders sal nie die skoolgronde […]


12/02/2021 Dear Parents I believe and trust that our Vlammie family is well rested and ready for 2021. The school and staff are looking forward to 2021. There are concerns regarding the year but the variable will be dealt with as it happens. However, we are confident that there will be a full academic year. […]


12/02/2021 Geagte Ouers Ek glo en vertrou dat ons Vlammie familie uitgerus en reg is vir die jaar. Die skool en personeel sien uit na 2021. Alhoewel daar kommer is oor die jaar, sal die veranderlike hanteer word soos dit opduik. Ons is egter vol vertroue dat daar ʼn sinvolle akademiese jaar sal wees. Ons […]


15 December 2020 Dear Parents/Guardians Thank you to everyone who was part of Bergvlam in 2020. It was a strange year that turned everyone’s lives upside down. The most important thing to remember is that we survived it. All glory to our Heavenly Father. Thank you to every learner, teacher, administrative officer and worker who […]